Microsoft 365 is the Platform for Data in your organization. Building on the Microsoft 365 Development Platform puts your apps right into the hands of users where they are doing their most productive work and delivers them the data they need to succeed. It’s a really exciting, evolving space to be in.
— Me

Jumpstart your Microsoft 365 Development Journey.

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Tom Morgan - Microsoft 365 Developer & Architect

Tom Morgan - Skype for Business Developer

More about Me

I'm a Microsoft 365 Developer & Architect. I'm a MIcrosoft MVP, blogger, PODCASTER and speaker.

I’m ALL about building great enterprise applications using MIcrosoft technology, including Microsoft 365, Azure, Microsoft Teams, Copilot and more.

I work as an independant Microsoft consultant, developing applications with and for Microsoft 365, with a specialist focus on Microsoft Teams development. 

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