RememberThis is a Microsoft Teams App designed to remind you about important channel threads. RememberThis is a free app which is provided as a community contribution. We are commited to protecting your privacy and do not collect or store more data than the minimum required to operate the service effectively.

How We Collect and Use Information

We do not collect any personally identifiable information from you. We collect some anonymised identifying metadata (ID Guids) used to operate the service and to assist with investigation of any issues. These are only kept as long as they are needed to operate the service, and then deleted. We do not use this information for any other purpose. All collected information is deleted at the end of your interaction with RememberThis ("the session"), which may be up to 7 days after your last message to/from the bot.

Sharing of Your Information.

We will not rent, sell or provide for free your information into third parties, nor use any of the data we collect to identify you.

We may use your data in aggregate to communicate usage statistics of RememberThis - for example "over the last month, 500 users made use of RememberThis", but will never identify you, your tenant or your organisation without your express and written permission.

How We Store and Protect Your Information

We do not store your information once we have finished using it to deliver this service to you. All information is deleted at the end of your session, signified as when any reminder you have set is delivered.

In addition, the developers of this bot follow the Developer Code of Conduct for the Microsoft Bot Framework, detailed here: