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Posted by on Nov 1, 2013 in Development

Standing Desk Experiment – Day 80

Standing Desk Experiment – Day 80

When I started using a standing desk, I wanted to post an update after I’d been using it for 30 days.

Well, it’s been 80 days, or 58 working days anyway. (56 if you live in the US. I found a great website for calculating elapsed days, with/without holidays and weekends –

So, I’m still using the desk, exactly as you see it in the first post. I’ve made zero changes, and I’m happy.

The First Week

Well it was still novelty, and I never really felt like sitting down. I did fell pretty tired in the evenings and my legs felt like I’d been walking all day, so tried to make sure I sat down for an hour or do to rest them. Other than that though, it just felt like I’d spent the day walking.

The First Month (or two)

Overall, I think it’s been positive. When you’re sitting, it’s easy to lapse into a sort-of-working state: especially in the afternoons. You know, you’re going through the motions, but you’re head isn’t really in it. I don’t get that when I’m standing up – I don’t ever feel tired. However, I’m still using my brain as much, so sometimes in the afternoon my brain gets tired and so I find my mind wandering, or my concentration going, in a similar but different way. Instead of feeling lethargic like I did when I was sitting, I feel more distracted: like I have energy but it’s not being channeled.

I’ve had no back or neck problems at all all the time I’ve been standing. I did used to sometimes when sitting, so I think that’s a positive.

One thing I found was that I was getting pain in my right hand, in the muscle area opposite the thumb (the Hypothenar apparently). I have a Microsoft Natural Ergonomic keyboard which has wrist rests, which I think is a must if you’re standing to ensure you keep a good position with your hands. But I didn’t have anything similar with my mouse, and I found I was leaning on that part of my hand a lot, which hurt. Problem was solved with this mouse mat, which has a gel-filled rest.

I’ve changed how I do lunch-breaks. Previously I wanted to walk around, stretch my legs. Now, I try and sit for a bit! Not for an hour, just 10-5 mins seems to be enough. I don’t do this every day, and if I don’t do it, I don’t regret it in the afternoons, I’m just a bit more tired in the evenings. (by the way, my evenings are usually active and I would have stopped standing at work if I ended up too tired to teach diving or do DIY etc)

Lots of people advocate using standing mats, and I can see why. Depending on what shoes you wear you may find the balls of your feet and heels hurt after a while. I haven’t bought a standing mat, mostly because in the UK they’re really expensive. I very nearly bought one last time I was in the US (Bath, Bed & Beyond!), but the dimensions were too big for my suitcase, and I didn’t think it would roll very well. And… I’m kinda OK not having one. If I wear trainers it’s fine, it’s only with dress shoes that I find a problem.

Also, I sit down for meetings! We have impromptu meetings in our office, and I feel more comfortable sitting down with everyone else, rather than towering over them! That tends to give me a bit of a rest as well.

So, overall I’m happy, and I’m going to keep on using the desk. I’ve even manage to convince my colleague into trying it as well: not by me trying to get him into it, but after spending a few days forcibly standing whilst we pair-programmed he didn’t have much choice!


Written by Tom Morgan

Tom is a Microsoft Teams Platform developer and Microsoft MVP who has been blogging for over a decade. Find out more.
Buy the book: Building and Developing Apps & Bots for Microsoft Teams. Now available to purchase online with free updates.


  1. Hi Tom,

    Thanks for sharing.Planning to make one myself. Hope you are still using yours!


  2. Hi Tom,

    Thanks for sharing.Planning to make one myself. Hope you are still using yours!


  3. Thanks for this! As a fitness fanatic turned coder – I’m very interested in trying something like this out – you have given me the push!

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