About RememberThis
Microsoft Teams is changing how we work and collaborate, with more and more conversations happening in the open, in Teams. As new work arrives and situations unfold, new conversations are started to track, discuss and decide on plans and actions. It's a highly collaborative and productive way of working which organisations everywhere are embracing.
Within this model, though, there is a risk that some conversation threads get deprioritised and follow-up actions get forgotton, when new conversation threads arrive and push the old conversations off the screen and out of sight. Actions that aren't immediate (such as waiting for a customer response or infrastructure to be provisioned) can hold up a thread of conversation. Reviewing past conversation threads to identify which conversations are "done" and which still have actions can be time-consuming and challenging.
That's the problem RememberThis solves. By adding RememberThis to a conversation you are leaving a signpost for your future self and signifying to you (and your team) that this conversation needs following up. You set the follow up time, RememberThis will remind you, and you can keep on top of all your actions, whether you've remembered them all or not!
How it works
RememberThis is a Microsoft Teams App, available in the Teams App Store. Once installed it can be added to a single Team or as many Teams as you want, and can be used by anyone within the team, in any channel.
To use, just @mention it in a reply. For instance:
“@RememberThis in 3 days”
RememberThis uses natural langage processing to understand your message, so you can set a reminder however you wish. Here are some other examples:
“@RememberThis tomorrow at 3pm
@RememberThis next Tuesday
@RememberThis 2 days from now”
When it's time to be reminded, RememberThis will post a reply into the conversation, adding it to your Teams Activity Feed and bringing it back to your attention. It's like having your own Personal Assistant posting a reminder into the conversation for you!
Free to use, for everyone, for ever
RememberThis has been built exclusively for Microsoft Teams and is a free Teams app with no license restrictions on how many people in your organisation can use it, and will always be free for as long as it exists. For more information, please read the RememberThis Terms of Service (it's only 338 words) and our Privacy Policy (only 259 words) as well.