Microsoft Teams is here, and it's changing how we think about communication and collaboration. With new products come new development opportunities, and Microsoft Teams is no exception with a rich set of developer tools already available.

In this series I'm going to explore all the different development tools, how they work, what they're for and how you can get started with them. Like my other Collections you can expect plenty of source code, which will all be accessible on GitHub. There will also be videos along the way for key concepts.

So don't get left behind - let me help you learn how to leverage the new development capabilities of Microsoft Teams today!

This page is just a selection of posts about Microsoft TEams Platform Development. I’m adding new posts all the time so make sure you get the latest articles on the dedicated Microsoft Teams area of my blog:

Teams apps I've Written

RememberThis - Set time-based reminders on important conversations.

More info | Blog post



About Developing Teams Apps

Getting Started




Tom Morgan

Hello! I'm Tom Morgan, author of all the articles on this page, and of all the posts on this blog. I'm passionate about building great applications for Microsoft Teams , and I'd like to show you how to do so too! I work at Modality Systems as a software engineer, developing applications with and for Microsoft Teams, AI and Bots. If you liked this page, why not signup to the newsletter, subscribe to the RSS, or follow me on Twitter.